
We offer responsible and effective services,
which include detailed design and applications which are characterized by high quality and the maximum efficiency.

Our services cover the following technological options:

  • Study and supply of electrological equipment for smart houses and business places.
  • Production of electricity through use of photovoltaic and hybrid systems
  • Room heating with the use of heat pumps and with the complete or partial abolition of oil use
  • Room heating with the use of contemporary geothermal systems with the complete or partial abolition of oil use
  • Room heating with underfloor systems, fun coil units and radiators
  • Water heating with solar thermal systems or solar water heaters for hotel and domestic use
  • Industrial and Resindential ari conditioning using
  • Industrial and residential air conditioning using advanced technology air conditioner
  • Domestic air conditioning with the use of compatible or advanced technology air conditioners.